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Plant-Based Grocery Store Tour & Tasting
As demand for plant-based protein continues to skyrocket, many people are eager to try new products & learn more about it!
Let’s explore available options together & compare how plant-powered protein measures-up to traditional sources of protein.
From budget to taste to health to convenience, we’ll talk about it.
We’ll also discuss the impacts of factory farming & issues of sustainability.
After the tour, stick around for a tasting in the community room, where we’ll continue our conversation while sampling some of the ‘we-can’t-believe-it’s-made-from-plants’ food we’ve discussed.
This event is free, though space is limited – rsvp below!
Please RSVP Tami via plantempoweredpeople@gmail.com
RSVP by 7/3/2018 and we’ll email you back, to confirm your space
We hope to see you there!
Hosted by Tami & Clarke